Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Welcome to my latest project - my words, my voice - unrestrained and honest. I have spent the last 5 years of my life creating and living out a dream that I thought was about food - that I thought was about business, that I thought was about community, And it was filled with all of those things - but in the last couple of months, I have come to find out that this dream was actually about finding out who I really was.

I am not a "this" or a "that" I just am. And that is enough.

In this blog - I will share with you my journey,

For the last several weeks, I have had an un-settling feeling of being un-tethered, un-grounded and I have feared it. I have sobbed as I felt all that I knew - all that I thought I knew - was drifting away from me. In the span of two months all that was once part of who I am - became parts of who I was,.

My body no longer felt like it was mine. I was going through the motions of waking and working and talking - but I wasn't there. I could feel the Earth under my feet quaking each time they hit the floor. I would brace myself for the next fall - the next time I would feel like the ground would disappear from under my feet.

I would have moments of clarity - moments of seeing the gifts that were in the embers surrounding me - and I have great soul friends who have been reminding me and sometimes literally carrying me when I could not see the light in any of this.

This feeling of drifting out into the universe alone terrified me - until it didn't. Until I realized that this un-tethered feeling was so foreign to me because I had been tied down. I had allowed myself to be controlled by people and places that held me on a very short leash. And now - now that that I can feel free to move about the cabin of my life - I have to get acquainted with myself, with who I am and what it feels like to be free.

All of what has been happening - all of what I will be sharing - has been a systematic tear down of who I thought I was - of what I thought my life was. And now - it is slowly coming into focus. The blurred image submerged in tears is coming to the surface, I can look now and see that I have a new view, a new day and a new opportunity.

And it was time,

And she was ready.

Moving into the universe and she's
Drifting this way and that
Not touching the ground at all and she's
Up above the yard
The world was moving, she was right there with it and she was

1 comment:

  1. Great, many of us have had these feelings. Nice to know I'm not alone, thanks. Keep writing.


Bring it on Home

 Hit Play  Through the latest transition of my life, what seems to have been the biggest – and the most profound. The last 5 mont...